Friday, April 8, 2011

Olofactory facts: When a little bit o' "Smell Good" is too much!

Whilst I know that we all want to "smell good" for our dance partners, it has been brought to my attention (and been my personal experience) that some people wear a LOT of cologne/perfume. Now, I am sure that to these people, it is not much, but for some, even a small amount will smell overpowering, and can even cause strong reactions including asthmatic attacks, and at the very least is can be just as unpleasant as "BO".

Please keep this in mind when you are spritzing yourself before a dance....if you are not sure, ask a few friends if your cologne seems strong. If even one finds it overpowering, you may want to cut back or switch to another brand. Your partners will thank you for it!

Happy Dancing Everybody!

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